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Joe with his wife and daughter.
Producer / Actor Joe Russell founded Joe Russell Productions in 2011 and, since then, has produced more than 250 projects including VR, Feature Films, Tv Pilots, Commercials, Music Videos, Radio Spots and other digital content.
In 2022 Joe joined Chamaeleon Productions, founded by filmmakers Jocelyn Stamat and Terry Rossio. Chameleon Productions' objective is to combine ambitious storytelling with compelling visual techniques and world-class creative talent to produce genre feature films with wildly imaginative characters, featuring heartwarming stories for audiences of all ages.
Joe values a kind and diverse crew who value the on-set experience as much as the finished product. Over the years he has cultivated an extensive network of crew, vendors and post-production facilities and is involved in all facets of each production he takes part in.
After a personal tragedy and in memory of all of the victims of gun violence, Joe vows to never produce any content that glorifies guns. Find out things you can support here:
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